Look at you ways by which one should dissuade!

If you do not believe in ghosts, curses and Obsessed, it would be better if you were diverted from these ways ...
 1. A75 Kinmont Straight, Scotland.

The reports of ghosts are they here many times that this way "Ghost Road" was called. In 1957, the truck driver saw a couple that came straight to his car,
he thought that he it has passed,but it lacked any Trace of them.
 2. A 229 from Sussex to Kent

A woman in white dress monitors this fragment of the way. Many drivers confirm that they have seen her when she came under the car. They tried to avoid in order not to drive and when they checked his car, there was no damage.

 3. Kelly Road, Pennsylvanien

Usury Santander forest surrounds this way, where people see it and hear what you can not explain. Some say that it is the cause of cult practices that occurred in the vicinity.


4. Stocksbridge bypass, England At this bypass spits a monk. A few people have stated that they have seen a monk, but the investigation did not yield any results with it. The monk is supposed roadside and some say that he appeared in her car, which is even worse.               (enigmasdepandora.blogspot.com) 
 5. The way Tuen Mun, Hong Kong

This path is determined for any modern car and travel pattern, which causes that it is very dangerous. The ghost appears in the middle of the path, which means that the driver turn of the road and comes to many accidents.   

 6. M6 Motorway, England

The longest path is also a place for ghosts. Notify drivers that they have seen marching Romans, spitting pedestrians and drivers.   

 7. Highway 666, Utah

The number 666 always throws bad associations. In fact, it was so named in defiance to avoid the devilish bad luck. Report the drivers here several paranormal activity: Ghost in the car, the ghosts of the pedestrian.
8. Dead Man's Curve, Ohio

The path in its name "The curve of the Dead" has must be possessed. The curve is very dangerous turn of exceedance in Clermont Country. According to the reports, it is the place where the road in State Rout 125 leads. This road was part of Ohio Turnpike, which was built in 1831. People keep talking about that you can find an anonymous hitchhiker there that drivers and passengers spits.
 9. Road Clinton, NJ

The path is obsessed and he is considered threatening. A rumor says that if there throws a penny from the little bridge, a boy throws him back. Although it is shocking enough, met near Satanists and members of the Ku Klux Klan. Owned or not, we strongly advise you not to go that route. 

 I do not want to be in the vicinity of these places. But a barely lit house near my apartment looks sometimes terribly from


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