"The involvement of the fascia should usefully offer only a small but important addition to the training area." Image: shutterstock |
Sports for connective tissue
Is there any truth to the hype surrounding the fascial training? And what are the fascia at all? an Overview
The training of the connective tissue is trendy, fascia roles are now available in almost any gym. Neurophysiologist Robert Schleip explains what is important - and what is pure nonsense.
Mr. Schleip how revolutionize the findings on fascia our training?
Robert Schleip: bring elements of yoga and eastern martial arts and resilient processes from the gymnastics movement of our grandparents in the training area. What is new about the movements are less, but the scientific evidence which now allow us to better understand what is happening here in the fascia.
Such as?
For example, most overuse injuries relate to sport not the red muscle meat, but the white colored collagen fiber network of the body. So what we call the fascial tissue. In addition, we now know that this network is one of our most important senses. It is based on our coordinative body awareness.
The connective tissue is therefore extremely important. What do you think of the current hype around the fascia? The way I mitbekomme the current hype in the fitness scene, because sometimes even powerful exaggerated. Since then it means "muscle training is out, Fascia is in" - and this is plain nonsense. The involvement of the fascia should usefully offer only a small but important addition to the training area. If the current hype has set itself in one to two years, I am sure that a general understanding remains.
Until it is so far: How should a fascial training look like?
The term fascial training, there are now a number of approaches. Most movements flexible with different strains are combined. Ideally, you let the show from a knowledgeable trainer or physical therapist for your body.
Can I still fascial role in the do-it-yourself method to use?
Trying out this first without professional guidance that brings in most cases something. Will you so tight connective tissue, we recommend hearty and vigorous rolling movements every second or third day. For a solvent effect, however, slow rolling movements in daily distance are better.
Can you do something wrong here?
If people with marked lymphatic or circulatory disorders maltreat far beyond the Wohlweh-limit, could have negative consequences. Thanks to the previously effective protective reflexes but which seems to be extremely rare. In athletes, it may also be that the application of slow rolling movements over the next five to ten minutes reduces the speed strength.
What should people with bad note veins or spider veins?
To be safe, you should review the specific application with your doctor. Otherwise, they can meter the applications so that no skin redness is present, who stay longer exist as two minutes.
Is there a fascial hangover?
Yes, according to recent findings comes the pain stimulus in less muscle soreness from muscle meat as from the muscle fascial sheath. Then it would not be wrong to speak sometimes of a fascial hangover.
Can the fascia massage also help improve performance?
Is a greater flexibility desired, the roles can enlarge the direct effect of conventional strains. And if increased speed is important, the performance can be increased by more rapid rolling motion.
Fascial training is even effectively counteract the aging ...
In animal experiments it was shown that regularly led movements flexible in older animals to a more youthful re-modeling of the connective tissue. Even with the application of the so-called fascia roles could prove one that caused an accelerated collagen renewal. Additionally, showed an increased local production of nitric oxide, ie a Viagra-related messenger that makes the vessels teen-elastic. However, for the human face area I know of no specific studies.
To Person
Dr. Robert Schleip, born in 1954, is the director of "Fascia Research Project" of the University of Ulm, which plays a leading role in the Fascia and member of the Fascial Fitness Association. Schleip is Feldenkrais teacher since 1978 and a licensed Rolfer.
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